Ask Yourself These 10 Questions to Help You Find Your Purpose in This Pandemic


The best thing about living on purpose is, it unlocks potential lying dormant with you, empowering you to do things you’d never think to do or be brave enough to do if you stayed focused only on what you can’t do or don’t want.

Albert Einstein once advised that we should not aim to be a person of success but a person of value. So do yourself a favor and use this forced pause on your life to rethink how you’re “doing life” and to reset your sights on a future that aligns to your vision.

To use this pandemic to “get on purpose,” I encourage you to connect your own pen to paper (ideally in a journal) and let the words flow as you reflect on your answers to these questions:

  1. Who do I want to be for other people during this challenging time?

Write down the virtues you want to embody and values you want your life to stand for. For example, optimism,        calm, hope, kindness, generosity, faith, compassion, courage, resilience, grace, creativity, community, service, leadership, truth.

  1. How can I use my talents and resources to be of greatest value to others?
  2. One year from now, when I look back on this time, what do I want to feel most proud about?
  3. What would I do today if I truly trusted that I’m here to serve a nobler purpose than myself?
  4. What aspiration or idea keeps tugging at my heart that would expand and inspire my future?
  5. Where am I letting fear of being inadequate keep me from pursuing that vision?
  6. Who will be worse off if I don’t commit to a purpose that is greater than my pride; a mission greater than my fear?
  7. What would I do in the next 24 hours if I chose to get on purpose?
  8. How will I feel about myself a year from now if I do that every day in between?
  9. Who can I enlist to support me in living my purpose more bravely, more consistently? Read More

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